Çeyrek mil formülleri
Ideal 400 metreyi gecis
Elapsed Time X MPH = 1335
Kalkistan 400 metreye ulasana kadar gecen zaman ile 400. metreyi gecis hizinizi carptiginizdaki rakam 1335 olmali. buna ’ideal 1/4-Mile Pass’ deniyor.
13.35saniye X 100.00 mph = 1335
12.00 saniye X 111.25 MPH = 1335
Eger faktor 1335 den fazla ise, son disli oranini arttirin.
Eger faktor 1335 den az ise, son disli oranini azaltin.
MPH hesaplanmasi:
MPH = TD X RPM / GR X 336
MPH = Miles per hour
TD = Tire diameter (lastik capi)
GR = Rear Axle Gear Ratio (son disli orani)
RPM = Engine Revolutions Per Minute (devir)
336 sabit sayi
EFI Formulleri (electronic fuel injection)
Dogru enjektor secimi
IHP = Ideal Horsepower (ideal beygirgucu)
NIJ = Number of Injectors Used (kullanilan enjektor sayisi)
IDC = Injector Duty Cycle= enjektorun guc altindaki gecirdigi zamanin yuzdesi
BSFC = Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (motorun verimlilik orani, yani yakit sarfiyatinin uretilen guc miktarina bolunmesi)
300 HP / 8 cylinders = 37.5
37.5 X .50 BSFC = 18.75
18.75 / .80 Duty Cycle = 23.43 lb/hr injector
Bu deger BSFC bagli olarak her arabaya ve motora gore degisecektir.
1 Liter = 61.02 Cubic Inches
HorsePower = TORQUE * RPM / 5252
HorsePower from MPH (1/4 mi.) = (.00426 * MPH)3 * WEIGHT
HorsePower from MPH (1/4 mi.) = WEIGHT * (MPH/234)3
HorsePower from ET (1/4 mi.) = WEIGHT * (5.825/ET)3
ET from HorsePower (1/4 mi.) = (WEIGHT / HP)^.333 * 5.825
ET=yaklasik zaman
TORQUE = (5252 * HP) / RPM
CFM = (CID/2)*(RPM/1728)*VE
VE = volumetric efficiency =emdirebildigin hava
VE = 0.78 std motorlarda , 0.85 hi-perf cadde motorlarinda
0.97+ for full yaris motorlarinda
Tire height (inches) = {[(section width * profile) / 2540] + (wheel diameter / 2)} * 2
60 foot time from ET = (.12 * 1/4 mile et) + .17
MPH = Tire Radius / 168 * RPM / Trans Gear * Rear Gear
RPM = 168 * Trans Gear * Rear Gear * MPH / Tire Radius
GEAR RATIO = Tire Radius * RPM / 168 / MPH
Tire Radius = 168 * MPH * Trans Gear * Rear Gear / RPM
Volumetric Efficiency = Actual Engine Air Intake (CFM) / CID
Compression Ratio = Cyl. Volume @ BDC / Cyl. Volume @ TDC = 1 +
(Swept Volume / Volume @ TDC) = 1 + (0.7854 * Bore * Bore * Stroke) / (CCV + HGV / PDV)
CCV = Combustion Chamber Volume (in inches) = CC's / 16.4 HGV = Head Gasket Volume (in inches) = Compressed thickness * 0.7854 * Bore * Bore PDV = Piston Deck Volume = Volume of Piston Dish + Volume of Piston Dome
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